Advance Pitstop Dundrum i Dublin 14

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAdvance Pitstop Dundrum



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Dundrum Road, Dublin 14, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 298 7733
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.295003, Longitude: -6.2463819

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emily Lyng


    I had my car serviced here in February. The whole service was very efficient and prices appropriately.

  • en

    Alessandro Bianco


    Great service, fast and professional. I go there for my full services and never had any issues on the road. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Julie Long


    Got pre nct they told me all stuff that was wrong with car but went and passed nct i knew i neede brakes done but it passed and there price was too dear that i shopped around and got them done elsewhere after nct my wishbones were ok passed and droplinks too so just watch out

  • Darren McBrearty

    Darren McBrearty


    This morning my back brakes had started grinding and making horrible noises. The brake pads had worn and the metal was grinding against the disk brakes. These guys managed to slot me in and replace the rotors and brake pads all in a couple of hours. Life Savers - Fair Price, Great customer service ! A+

  • T Bravo

    T Bravo


    Good guys. Knowledge is great, prices are good. Always bring the cars here and have never been disappointed. Only problem is that it's popular and they are always booked well in advance. Also if you don't like backing up steep inclines, let them do it. :D

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