Affidea Ireland i Dublin 16

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAffidea Ireland



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Rockfield Medical Campus, Dundrum, Dublin 16, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 213 5959
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2864604, Longitude: -6.2362023

kommentar 5

  • Ciara MacKenna

    Ciara MacKenna


    Gave my disc to the wrong person, waited for a reprint and brought the reprinted disc to my consultant only to be told it wouldn't play. Waste of time off work, a €200 consultant fee and extended time in pain.

  • en

    newlife s


    You need to wait -5-10 m for smb to answer the phone,called a couple a times a day ,very hard to get through,,as well as waiting days to get an appointment for a ultrasound,not efficient and understaffed it seems

  • Bernie O'Doherty

    Bernie O'Doherty


    Spotlessly clean, modern, efficient medical campus. I attended this morning for a CT scan. All the staff were extremely friendly but professional which is a hard balance to get right. I was especially impressed with the Nurse who looked after me called Joan. She really went the extra mile and said to me that the most important person in the building is the patient. Free hot chocolate/coffee etc is also a welcome touch. Thank you Affidea

  • Semi Lates

    Semi Lates


    Staff were excellent; very casual and laid-back procedure, calm and modern premises, phone handlers were especially good, no nonsense and straight to the point, well done. Would highly recommend.

  • Nelly Kim

    Nelly Kim


    I can highly recommend them. Very efficient on the phone. Got a Sunday appointment, which suited me best. Was recommended to park in Dundrum shopping centre and got parking fee back after spending 30 EUR in Tescos. Very friendly staff at Affidea reception and in treatment centre. Consultants and professional staff were very polite and re-assuring. Experience was made as positive as possible. Also patients waiting area is spacious and nicely decorated. And you get free coffee through a vending machine which I have never ever seen before in a patients waiting room. :) A big thumbs up and keep up the good work. Kornelia

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