Aldi i Tullamore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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127, Church Road, R35 E9P1, Tullamore, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 991 828
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2675816, Longitude: -7.4652796

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lisa Canavan


    Great prices typical Aldi. Lost a star as no fresh bakery

  • Malachy Mulhall

    Malachy Mulhall


    I think everyone likes aldi, this place is so cheap it's not funny. Loads of parking outside . To be honest the food is fresh and cheap. No frills here , but you can't eat frills . Always get my mulled wine here for Christmas. Loads of fresh bread and basics you need to stay alive . After you shopping pop into Costa for your coffee...happy days. You will probably pay more in Costa for you coffee and hot sandwich ,than you did for your shopping in aldi.

  • en

    Patrick Daly


    Never have full-fat milk in one-litre cartons after 8 p.m. I always have to go to Tesco just for milk. Might be better to just go to Tesco in future...

  • Keith Dowling

    Keith Dowling


    Has everything you need and staff were very good. Three store is a bit small and everything feels a bit tight. Access is fine off the main road and parking was good too.

  • Cosantoir



    Great spot just across the road from Tesco so it's a real middle finger when they are taking their customers. Savage prices are occasional in Aldis it's a basis. Last time I went in my life completely changed! I went in to get milk and bread and butter and came out with a canoe, scuba gear, 13ft trampoline, a grill and all for only €100 so spot on totally deserves 5 stars.

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