ALDO i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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83, Grafton Street, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 9338
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Latitude: 53.3419848, Longitude: -6.2601176

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Ricchiuti

    Sarah Ricchiuti


    Great quality, good price and kind crew

  • maxwel regio

    maxwel regio


    The most popular store shoes from Dublin

  • en

    Thabi Sibanda


    Great bags and shoes. Personal service

  • en

    mirela rusu


    Dear All, from customer to customer do not go to ALDO on Grafton Street, just had a unique unpleasant experience.You all be the judge of this.I bought a pair of shoes not being that sure on the size, because I'm in between sizes, therefore I kept them on up to Stephen's Green Mall (3min walk) and I decided to try a smaller size, therefore I went back.I was refused though the return policy says that you are allowed in returning the shoes in 60 days as long as they can be still sold...after 6min walk there is no doubt on that. The attitude was completely rude as well.I called other ALDO store and they said please come to us we will exchange the is not ALDO problem is Grafton Street ALDO.People don't waste your precious Saturday on the run walking like a headless chicken to exchange shoes, just simply chose other ALDO.

  • Maui Mim

    Maui Mim


    If could give no stars for this shop I would . The rudeness is beyond acceptable. The quality of some of their shoes are awful. I had purchased my first pair of Aldo boots a while ago, I absolutely loved them, gorgeous. They wore out within 3 months. I brought them back, they replaced them ( different boot sadly) They wore out again within a few months.... brought them back again. They re-healed them, i was grateful. Today on Grafton st. the heal came off, and i fell over . As I was just beside Aldo i decided to go in and ask for glue or anything to stick the heal back on to get me home. The manager was so incredibly rude. I have never been treated so badly in my life! I was not asking for my money back, just some help sticking the heal on until i got home. The manager was incredibly cheeky " we don't rent out shoes you know" was her reply! Steer clear , the bad manners and lack of training in here is as shoddy as some of their shoes.

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