Allied Irish Banks Plc i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAllied Irish Banks Plc



🕗 åbningstider

Blackthorn Road, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 288 5371
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2751924, Longitude: -6.2139435

kommentar 5

  • Paul Hyland

    Paul Hyland


  • Adi Suciu

    Adi Suciu


    Very unfriendly staff and manager also. Went today with a friend to open a bank account and we were refused for the reason that my friends english is not good enough to have a bank acount at AIB. When I’ve asked for a customer service number the manager said that there is no such a thing and the only way to complain is by post. I went to another AIB and got sorted in 10 minutes by very friendly and helpfull staff. The staff in this branch is just disgracefull. As I see other reviews I just dont understand why nobody does anything about that.

  • Sergiu Yojja

    Sergiu Yojja


    Every single time i go to Aib to ask for help for a loan or anything they always treat me with disrespect and always almost every single time turn me down for no real reasons last time i went there to ask for a loan we left with my wife crying and we went in different bank and we got it sort it AVOID AIB THEY ARE HIENAS ALL THEY WANT IS RICH CUSTOMERS AND THEY NEVER CARE ABOUT THE NORMAL DECENT PEOPLE WHO WORK HARD AND WANT TO DO MORE IN LIFE THEY WILL NEVER HELP YOU AND SPECIALLY THIS BRANCH DISCRIMINATING YOU JUST FOR BEYING SELF EMPLOYED AVIOD WITH ALL COST

  • Derek McNamara

    Derek McNamara


    Second time I've been in this bank where staff have shown a disinterest in helping me. Was looking at settings up a long term business account. Think I'll take it else where. Staff seem unhappy

  • Shane Byrne

    Shane Byrne


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