Amber Grill i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAmber Grill



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South Circular Road South Circular Road, Rialto, Dublin, D08 KVA0, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 453 5795
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Latitude: 53.335973, Longitude: -6.298263

kommentar 5

  • Nim Zedz

    Nim Zedz


    Your one behind the counter has the sourest face that makes me think she's permanently sucking on a lemon. I'm sure her face has forgotten how to crack a smile. Her customer service skills are zero and it's obvious the staff are afraid of her as she barks orders at them with her permanent disapproving look. Lady, learn how to smile and be more welcoming and friendly to your customers. Any time I've been in there's only been one person ahead of me yet still I have to wait up to 20 minutes just for a bag of chips. You may think that would mean the chips are freshly made. But no. They are dried and tasteless and have obviously been sitting around in a bucket of water for hours on end. Soulless establishment and bland tasteless food. Avoid

  • NDA Carroll

    NDA Carroll


    Traditional chipper, friendly service, excellent batter. New addition to the menu: The Nutella Pizza.

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    gemma lawlor


    Amazing food. Staff very friendly and always smiling

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    Johnny Smith


    Chicken kebab? Breaded chicken fillet with lettuce and mayo... better of going to centra for a roll. No chilli sauce, no shredded cabbage and carrot, no garlic mayo.. all the things that make a kebab tasty. Expected more to be honest.

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    Aifric Ryan


    Very very nice staff! They remember and treat regulars super well! Great chipper, great kebabs!! All round delish! Dying to try one of their pizzas! Great value too

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