Angel Flowers i Shannon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAngel Flowers



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Unit 14, Ballycasey Craft and Design Centre, Ballycasey More, Shannon, Co. Clare, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 365 990
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.710689, Longitude: -8.855967

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aoife Gleeson


    Really fabulous florist, flowers are always impressive. Highly recommend

  • en

    Ekki Wurm


    My wife loves flowers from this shop. Fantastic arrangements and super friendly staff. The flowers last a long time. My favorite florist in the Limerick and Clare area!

  • Munster Business Services

    Munster Business Services


    Great selection of flowers and really helpful staff. They really know their stuff and their attention to detail is amazing

  • Paula Wallace

    Paula Wallace


    Spoke to Kathy and she helped me at very short notice for funeral wreath I live in England and she explained everything over the phone so easy I definitely recommend

  • Paul Gaughran

    Paul Gaughran


    @@@@@@@@@ - - - TOP CLASS - - - @@@@@@@ I recently requested two Bouquets from Angel Flowers..... I stipulated only two colours in each, and indicated that I was bringing them to Dublin by car for personal delivery. Laura and staff rose to the occasion and not only produced two fantastic Bouquets, Fantastically presented, each with its own hidden water container, but they did it with urgency so that I could get on the road early that day..... I received Great Service, Great Value, and an Amazing product ...... Which were received by Mother and Daughter with amazement. Thank You Angel Flowers, I will both recommend and use your services again !! Paul

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