Anglesea Street Garda Station i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAnglesea Street Garda Station


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Anglesea Street, Cork, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 21 452 2000
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8957596, Longitude: -8.4649339

kommentar 5

  • en

    Salamet Ali


    Long waiting queues always. Only two desks for a busy service.

  • Nilou Farid

    Nilou Farid


    People have begun arriving at midnight to be first in line for the 9:30 am opening. Ridiculous work hours and service.

  • en

    Gwen Gorse


    They could use another 2-3 GNIB registration desks or extended hours for busy periods. Queues are very long this time of year due to the students. When they say to come early, they mean EARLY. I arrived at 8am, an hour and a half before the 9:30am opening time, and there were a good 100 students already there waiting. Registration takes 10 minutes per person, and there are only 2 desks. Do the math... I wish I had this information prior to my own arrival, so hopefully this is helpful to someone else.

  • en

    Benoit Labonne


    Arrived early due to long lines for a student visa applications and they were closed with no notice online. Please update the process or warn people prior to daily closures

  • it

    mattibiskup Biskup


    Sono stato qui per ottenere un documento per ottenere il permesso pet il parcheggio nel centro di Cork. Il personale molto accogliente e a mano. Grazie dell'aiuto.

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