Animal Hospital Castlebar i Castlebar

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IrlandAnimal Hospital Castlebar



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Moneen, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 1586
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Latitude: 53.8568334, Longitude: -9.2814951

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ian Bradshaw


    One of the very best small animal practices I have found. The animal comes first here. All the staff are excellent and extremely knowledgeable.Many of my friends are top vets and this practice is right up there with the very best. Highly rated and recommended.

  • en

    Dagmar Grau


    Excellent Vets and Veterinary Nurses. Have never met a VET that knows so much about - in my case - especially dogs. I had to get my Rottweiler put down there, as he had incurable cancer and this was done with so much empathy to the dog as well as us. They explained everything to us in detail, so that we knew we made the right decision for our much loved pet. They helped my Jack Russell - through their specialist knowledge - to avoid an invasive operation. And we got our young lady neutered just two weeks ago. Cant praise and recommend them enough and will always trust their judgement.

  • Marian McAllister

    Marian McAllister


    Excellent vets, saved the life of our Boxer who had given birth to five pups but unknown to us had two more pups inside her. Had taken her to another vet who said she would be fine and was just low in calcium. Within two minutes of seeing her the vet in the animal hospital knew she had undelivered pups and operated on her straight away. Another hour and her uterus would have burst and she would be dead. Have never used another vet since and never will. They have a wonderful way with small animals, know what they are doing and are reasonably priced. Cant recommend them highly enough.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    Gave me hope when i thought my boy was done for. Brilliant vet, detailed examination and loads of drugs at a reasonable price. Highly recommended.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    The vet here knows his stuff, if you want a clean, reliable, knowledgeable vet and your in Co. Mayo, this is the place to be. I phoned several vets for a pet passport and had no luck, phoned the Animal Hospital and had our cat micro chipped and given a rabies shot within 90 minutes of phoning them up.

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