Apache Pizza Balbriggan i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandApache Pizza Balbriggan



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Drogheda St, Dublin, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 841 2066
internet side: apache.ie
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Latitude: 53.6113172, Longitude: -6.1857086

kommentar 5

  • shane byrne

    shane byrne


    Pizza is great . Need to clean the tables more often

  • en

    Sean Maher


    Not nice atmosphere. Staff not very helpful.

  • en

    Top 5


    I ordered from Apache every weekend. Never again. I took a bite of my pizza today and felt something strange, and took a 5" long hair out of my mouth, lovely. (I have no hair by the way) When I phoned the shop, their solution was to send someone out to collect the pizza to see the hair for themselves?? They said it could be from the supplier, but of course that's nonsense because then the oven would've cooked it, obviously. I took photos if anyone wants to see them, let me know. No refund offered. Disgraceful. Will never EVER be back. Hey Apache - don't your staff wear hair nets? Maybe an idea, to avoid repulsing any more of your loyal customers. At the prices I've paid for your pizzas, I expect at the very least a hair free pizza.

  • pl

    Jacek Wròblewaki


    Durzu tłok bo dzieći wyprawiają urodziny ogułem dobra pitza

  • en

    Justin O'Gorman


    Staff very sufficient and helpful...food was amazing .

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