Arch Coffee i Waterford

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IrlandArch Coffee



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29A, George's Street, Waterford, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.2615534, Longitude: -7.1127586

kommentar 5

  • Jonathan Nolan

    Jonathan Nolan


    I went here on the recommendation of a friend. The coffee lived up to expectations. Excellent

  • Des Earls

    Des Earls


    Top class coffee in Waterford city centre. Friendly staff too.

  • David Hoban

    David Hoban


    By far the best coffee shop in Waterford, I buy bags of 3fe beans to use at home and in work and get a free coffee in the shop with every bag. George and Neil are really passionate about their coffee and they always have interesting single origin beans on bar.

  • Krzysiek Wisniewski

    Krzysiek Wisniewski


    By far, the best coffee in Waterford's city centre. Never misses to get a perfect brew. I wish I could drink it everyday, not only on rare occasions when I visit the city. Even the takeaway cups do not discourage me from getting my coffee there. Would definitely recommend.

  • Aoife O'Brien

    Aoife O'Brien


    Probably the nicest coffee I've had in Waterford. The staff are super friendly and the place is really well decorated too. Great for coffee on the go!

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