Argos i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Parnell Mall, Ilac Shopping Centre, North City, Dublin 1, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 535 091
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3504379, Longitude: -6.2645983

kommentar 5

  • Andrés Hinterholzer Vidal

    Andrés Hinterholzer Vidal


    The employee that attended me yesterday at 19:15 was a woman of about 50 years old. She seemed really annoyed with my foreign accent and the fact that I didn't know that that was not the Argos store I should go to, so she just stared to me with a disapproving face, as if I were making loose her time. I asked her where the other store was and she didn't even answer and she seemed more worried that I should leave soon because the shop was closing in 15 minutes. After this bad customer service experience, I even tried to tell her that I was not from Dublin and that she shouldn't be so rude. She said literally "I don't care". This experience was not really nice and it is sad that the unhappiness of an employee has to be paid with a customer. I will defintely come back and try to reach out the same person and see how she reacts, but this time there will be a video proof so her manager knows how she treats foreign customers.

  • en

    xairo martinez


    Great prices. Big choice and big quality.

  • Matteo Spreafico

    Matteo Spreafico


    Bad experince. Low quality items and customer service very roude. Avoid

  • en

    Mary Carty


    Affordable prices. Superior quality goods. Excellent customer Service. Efficient staff. Well presented items. Prompt Service, with a smile.

  • en



    They didn't change my defective earphones. I bought today and I tested in front of them. They weren't to be polite to me also they didn't say to me even saying sorry.

nærmeste Butik

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