Athlone Springs Hotel i Athlone

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAthlone Springs Hotel



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Tuam Road, Monksland, Monksland, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 90 644 4444
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.421144, Longitude: -7.997188

kommentar 5

  • victoria Oliveria

    victoria Oliveria


    It was very good , clean,decent ,nice rooms,there was a gym, swimming pool, bar, cafeteria,kids club I think it would be good for the kids and family.

  • Wayne Curry

    Wayne Curry


    Room 102 has ventilation ducting outside the window and it ran all night. Awful noise, very little sleep. The room was tatty and worn. A very rough paint job had been done at some stage. However the door frame had paint chipped off it and so did the corner of the wall. Alot of the walls were dirty with visible marks on them. A wet cloth would probably do wonders here. The white plastic wall sockets were dirty. The bath was chipped. The gold coloured chair at the table had blue paint marks on one side of the back cushion - perhaps this paint would go better on the wall. The bed linen was clean and Im sure the bed would be great for sleeping in if it wasnt for the roaring ventilation fans outside the window. Given its condition this room would be better used as a store room or linen cupboard that way the obscurity frosted glass in the window would make sense, otherwise its just a smart attempt to hide the view of the industrial ventilation ducting outside the window. Four star hotel? Eh not from what I experienced, no.

  • Declan Lambe

    Declan Lambe


    Fantastic to have a local hotel like this with many facilities and friendly staff! family are in it every week for swimming lessons, the sauna and gym. It is great Sunday lunches...or just a relaxing cuppa or pint.

  • en

    John Ryan


    Nice hotel with a great gym. Very reasonable in terms of price. The bar is cosy with a good atmosphere and good food

  • Brankica Reinhardt

    Brankica Reinhardt


    This hotel does not deserve 4 stars. No option to increase temperature in the room, as heating is controlled by reception (we had to call them 3 times to turn it on). Tiles in the toilet (under the sink) were half broken, food is very very bad ( I guess they just heat the frozen food). Apart from that staff are nice and kind and it is relatively clean.

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