Avondale Veterinary Clinic (XL Vets Ireland) i Arklow

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IrlandAvondale Veterinary Clinic (XL Vets Ireland)


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Ferrybank, Arklow, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 402 33744
internet side: avondaleveterinary.com
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Latitude: 52.8007482, Longitude: -6.1480586

kommentar 5

  • Eduardo Andrade

    Eduardo Andrade


    Excellent vet care. I'm glad I have found them to take care of my pets when they need.

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    Bernie Pierce


    I brought a cat I found on the road to Avondale vets last Saturday week.The vet examined him gave him some meds. and sent him home with me. I was told to bring him in the following week so I made an appointment for the following Tuesday. I wasn’t happy with how Sootty was so brought him in first thing on the Monday.Another vet saw him then . She immediately said I am glad you brought him in said how dehydrated he was and they would admit him straight away. I knew he was in good hands with her .He was let home a few days later. Unfortunately he died suddenly on Monday. On reflection of the treatment He should have been admitted the Saturday I brought him up.The vet in surgery should have admitted him then . I realize he may not still have made it, But I can’t help thinking if he had fluids from the first day It certainly would have helped. I am completely heartbroken.

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    Davina Doyle


    Very caring, competent and friendly staff who have gone above and beyond for my animals. I trust no one else with the welfare of my pets. I can not recommended Avondale highly enough.

  • elaine bazin

    elaine bazin


    The staff are lovely people. Really helpful when asking questions. Plus there so understanding when we bring zara in as shes such a nervous dog but they really understand how to reasure her and make her feel better. I would definitely recommend them to any one around arklow, tinahely and rathnew areas. We have had some hard rimrs with both our dogs been cut by wire and they have helped both dogs. So much

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    Pauline Byrne


    Very good staff helped me at such a sad nd hard time my Boxer she was 15 had a great life but have to say they are best vets

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