Barbara Russell Catering i County Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBarbara Russell Catering


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Kilmanahan, Co. Waterford, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 613 6943
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Latitude: 52.317545, Longitude: -7.777766

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lesley Ashforth


    Consistently excellent food was provided by Barbara Russell during our recent stay at Clonacody House. Traditional dishes with a modern feel, using top quality ingredients and well tailored to our needs, were thoroughly enjoyable. The fish pie deserves a special mention, as does the Boeuf Bourgignon. An Oscar must however be awarded to the Pear and Ginger Upside down pudding. Quite the most delicious thing and obviously low calorie.

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    Helen Carrigan


    Well what's not good about Barbara and her delicious food, her super professional and friendly team - who whizz in and set up the platters and dishes of sumptious food and the wow desserts which are always mouth watering. I am afraid there is nothing negative that I can say because no matter how smart/formal, big or small your budget or group Barbara will tailor the menu to suit without skimping on the quality offered. It's important that everyone who comes to Clonacody is made feel special and in that regard no one comes close to what Barbara and her team give - they work at 110 per cent without flapping - instead guests can have a chat and giggle as they get served all the while. Barbara may you flourish in your business and may your clients be as happy and thrilled as we are all here at Clonacody to have you return again and again!!

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    eveleen drohan


    Excellent quality, extensive variety of dishes, beautiful presentation, a pleasure to deal with. Highly recommend for a special occasion.

  • Sylvia McCormack

    Sylvia McCormack


  • en

    Gerard Quinlan


    Best locally produced food

nærmeste Mad

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