Bearfoot Flooring i Dublin 12

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBearfoot Flooring



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Knockmitten Lane, Dublin 12, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 456 7129
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.325531, Longitude: -6.364609

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alan Roche


    Great guys , very helpful and make it easy to understand your flooring needs

  • Ann O Dea

    Ann O Dea


    A very big thank you to Ciaran and all at Bearfoot Flooring, for all their help, advice and assistance with our recent project. We are delighted with the choices made on the floor, doors etc right down to the handles! We are so grateful to Ciaran, who from the very start of the project, right through to the end, was available at all times to guide us through each step of the way. His expertise and knowledge certainly was of great help to us in making our choices and decisions. We would have no hesitation in recommending Bearfoot Flooring to our family and friends! Thank you again and well done all at Bearfoot!

  • en

    Conor O'Reilly


    Met John in the showroom to view internal doors. We needed five in total with frames, architrave, handles etc. He was very helpful and friendly. I let him know that we were under a little pressure to get the doors soon and he said it wouldn't be a problem. I contacted him on the phone the next morning to place an order. He said he would call me back regarding stock. He never did so I called him back a few times and left multiple messages with his colleagues. Still awaiting his call back nearly a week later. Disappointing because the showroom seemed to have everything we needed.

  • Cathal Gormley

    Cathal Gormley


    I was very impressed by the range of floors. Very knowledgeable staff too.

  • Adrian Doyle

    Adrian Doyle


    Bought doors and floors recently. Great selection and really well looked after by Paul. Recommend Bearfoot to anyone.

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