Bell & Associates i Rush

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBell & Associates


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Whitestown Road, Rush, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 843 0267
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Latitude: 53.5220192, Longitude: -6.1029667

kommentar 2

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    Jordan Murphy


    My father had a report prepared for his house, , the duo were late with the excuse of 'traffic' which would be fine for some other people, but I had arranged to have my break off work to meet them as my father is not comfortable with strangers being in the house, in so of them being late I was late back to work, they also have no care for property. There were marks left in the floor , on the lid off the attic hatch and on the hall wall. These were never mentioned and had obviously hoped that no one would notice. I had to personally repaint the attic lid, try to remove the marks from the wall, as these would have been left to my elderly father to do, whom is not capable of doing so. I can only convey to everyone to stay away from bellassociates if you care for your home ,punctuality, and want a good service.

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    William Norton


    Poor, generic survey done.

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