Bike Fit Studio i Gormanston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBike Fit Studio



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Unit 3 Block 4, City North Business Campus, Stamullin, Gormanston, Co. Meath, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 531 2307
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.638103, Longitude: -6.263827

kommentar 5

  • Maxim K.

    Maxim K.


    I'm very happy with the bike fit service provided. Lower back & knee pain decreased radically, my bike became a real pleasure and based on John's recommendations I bought shoe insoles that helped me feel much better. Also got detailed report for buying a new bike that fitted perfectly! Highly recommended.

  • Ian Kavanagh

    Ian Kavanagh


    The staff here are very nice and are also into cycling. The equipment is state of the art and results in a much better fit than some of the traditional hand-eye bike fits. I would definitely recommend for anybody suffering any pain or discomfort or for those just looking to improve their cycling style and power.

  • Aideen Keenan

    Aideen Keenan


    For me the bike fit was more a confirmation that my current race position was good, than a motivation to make any major changes... which was a result in and of itself. Really enjoyed the science side of it, with the sensors and the video. You can't argue with the results when you see it in front of you like that.

  • en

    Ciara Kinch


    I found that John was incredibly helpful and thorough in my bike fitting for my race and time trial bike. I had recently bought a time trial bike, had done one ride on it but knew that I needed a proper bike fit on it. I have to say that I am now very happy with the fit that John has done. I also found that my current road bike was a size too big for me. John was available with queries I had in relation to buying a new road bike. I would happily recommend John's bike fitting company.

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    Padraig O'Dwyer


    I found John really helpful with plenty of good advice. The bike fit resulted in a definite increase in power through the pedals with every stroke for the same effort as previously but without any hamstring soreness which used to bother me before on long hard runs. The changes also meant that my seated position was more fixed with much less sliding forward in the saddle. Overall I found the fit very beneficial and informative.

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