Bistro Le Monde (old Travel Cafe & Restaurant) i Dun Laoghaire

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IrlandBistro Le Monde (old Travel Cafe & Restaurant)



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Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 551 2656
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Latitude: 53.29495, Longitude: -6.135459

kommentar 5

  • Anna Gorovaya

    Anna Gorovaya


    The one of the worst experience in Dublin restaurants. Design is awful and cheap. We ordered calzone pizza and slow cooked vegetables. Calzone came burned and without pizza knife and was not easy to slice with ordinary knife. We asked for parmesan but waiter said yes and ignored the request. Vegetables were not cooked well enough and we're firm in places. I do believe that rice was cooked a day before or left from lunch time. Toilets can't be locked and no toilet paper. Guys, who write good reviews, are you serious?

  • KinAIN 101

    KinAIN 101


    Awful experience . 1 waitress on a Saturday. Waited 1 hour and 40 mins for 2 egg Benedict . 3 people came in after us ordered before us and left couokdnt wait any longer for their food .

  • Nikolai Kapliev

    Nikolai Kapliev


    I couldn't attach a photo of my brunch because I ate it to fast -- it was amazingly tasty. Lovely place with delicious food. It is not overcrowded as it's neighbours, and the music playlist is so good. Wounderful atmosphere for a meal time.

  • en

    Colman parker


    Really nice flavoursome and good value early bird menu.loveky warm but efficient was a Fri evening in January so surprisingly quiet which took a bit from the atmosphere.but overall great place.highly recommended

  • Freda Mifsud

    Freda Mifsud


    A lovely dining experience. A quaint cosy restaurant serving both pizza and a I carte delicious food, friendly staff, clean and quite for a romantic night out.

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