i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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🕗 åbningstider

36, Parnell Street, Waterford, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 51 858 182
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2575826, Longitude: -7.1112012

kommentar 5

  • Cormy SyStem

    Cormy SyStem


    Never showed up for agreed viewing time.

  • Stephen Duff

    Stephen Duff


    Terrible agency. Difficult to deal with and did not return my deposit for 'simple cleaning' issues. Would never use again.

  • roisin healy

    roisin healy


    Would not recommend this company at all..I rang them two weeks ago about a property that had come up for letting on , the girl I spoke with said they weren't doing viewings on the property until the following week. I rearranged my work hours to go and view this property. I emailed them back to schedule me in for a viewing to be told they had already let the property out even though the previous person I had spoken with had lied when I had asked could I view the property that day . Would not recommend. Would never deal with them again

  • Gyula Molnar

    Gyula Molnar


    Our previous apartment went for sale and we had to find new accommodation. Everyone at Bookaroom was exceptionally helpful, they threated us like we were their customers for years from the first minute we stepped in to their office. Fantastic service!

  • en

    Ben Jacob


    Rented from Bookaroom recently. Great service all round. The guy I met on the viewing was friendly and really listened to what I wanted and the girls in the office were excellent. Really helpful. Unlike some other agency's I went to.

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