Boshka Hair & Beauty Salon i Dublin 15

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBoshka Hair & Beauty Salon



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Unit 42, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 824 9548
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Latitude: 53.382997, Longitude: -6.401384

kommentar 5

  • Iwona G

    Iwona G


    I have never left unhappy, and been going there good few years no, great girls

  • rachel curran

    rachel curran


    This place completely ruined my hair with a blonde tint. I was blond for years. The colourist had to keep conferring with another stylist on what she was doing, I realised too late she wasn't fully trained. My scalp was fried and full of sores from the amount of product she put into my hair. It took two years to grow the damaged hair out, no amount of repair products could fix it. They knew what they had done as soon as they dried it. The two of them apologised and said I didn't have to pay! I wont repeat here what I said to both of them. I never returned again. Unfortunately I had to give it a one star rating to post this message. It doesn't deserve even one star

  • angel pink

    angel pink


    Nice staff, the price are very good. Very happy with them. 💇💆👰

  • en

    Krzysztof Woznicki


    Very friendly staff and good looking salon. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Emma Murphy


    Amazing stylists and trendy salon. My colour always lasts so long

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