Bracken Court Hotel i Balbriggan

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IrlandBracken Court Hotel


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Bridge Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 841 3333
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Latitude: 53.608875, Longitude: -6.182896

kommentar 5

  • en

    Barry Doyle


    Lovely staff, great bar menu,and the restaurant food is 2nd to none, great for Party's/weddings, they have 2/3 function rooms and the hotel rooms are lovely, well worth a visit

  • Patrick Barry

    Patrick Barry


    Nice hotel and staff. Always enjoy staying there. Lovely food too 👍😁

  • Vytautas Limontas

    Vytautas Limontas


    I would give 3.5. Everything tidy. Reception nice. But few things... Hair dryer was not working. Had to go to reception to ask for another. One cup missing and girld brought cup when we were in room and me in undies preparing for shower.

  • Chris Sewell

    Chris Sewell


    A great place to stay near Dublin. Parking for guests and wonderful staff. Nothing seemed too much for them.

  • en

    Dorothy Smyth


    Visited this afternoon with my 9 yr old triplet granddaughters. They enjoyed their hot chocolate and Christmas rocky road. The staff were so pleasant and helpful. Well done Bracken Court. We will be back.

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