Bunratty Camping & Caravan Park i Clare

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IrlandBunratty Camping & Caravan Park



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Bunratty East, Clare, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 369 190
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Latitude: 52.7082036, Longitude: -8.8091521

kommentar 5

  • Jo Munro

    Jo Munro


    A great back garden campsite only 15 min walk from the castle. It is a camper's dream for Ireland as there is a nice warm dining area with cooker and fridge and kettle, pans, crockery and utensils. Washing machine at €3.50 a wash and a drying rack available. 2 showers and 2 toilets in a spacious bathroom. No additional charge for hot water. A lovely family run site with a gentle dog called Ben. Would come back again and recommend unreservedly. Joanna

  • Thibault ARTUS

    Thibault ARTUS


    I stay there for 1 night. It's a lovely place about 10 min to the castle.

  • Mäx



    We arrived arround 10PM without any reservation.. The guy at the reception is really friendly and showed us everything.. Stuff is friendly and up for help.. Good location. Quiet and nature Thanks a lot

  • en

    Julian Schmitz


    I dont get what is wrong with the guys that gave just one star . We stayed for a night. Just 2 adults with a car. The owner was very friendly and helped as he can. Sanitaries are great and fresh cleaned. Just can recomment this sweet little camping site. Greets from Germany. Christoph and Julian.

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    Kerrie Patterson


    Stayed here recently. Fair enough we parked up without checking in first but with three caravans in a group our experience was to get parked up first as would cause less hassle. About an hour after we arrived the owner's mother came up to us and said I personally hate the sight of caravans! What business are you running my family thought? The lady was obliging when she said she would see if there was a room available for my mother in law and sister in law, but came back and said why did you bother coming down if you hadn't booked somewhere to which her son said chill. In our experience of caravan and camping parks we all have paid at the end with no problems! Overpriced we paid €36 a night. We paid €18 in Mayo. Kitchen and showers are ok but could do with updating, shower curtains have mould and mildew on them. With a little better customer service skills and clear instructions on arrival could go a long way.

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