Burrito Loco i Letterkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBurrito Loco



🕗 åbningstider

Port Road, Letterkenny, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 912 6380
internet side: burritoloco-letterkenny.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.953411, Longitude: -7.730472

kommentar 5

  • Donegal FotoFlight

    Donegal FotoFlight


    I love it here. Healthy food. Burritos are fantastic at 5 euro. Great menu and friendly staff.

  • en

    CormacOB Brien


    Tasty, healthy, cheap and quick food. Staff are also friendly and the service is great too.

  • en

    Peter Schmidt


    Great fresh food at a good price with excellent service

  • en

    Doug Jules


    Fresh healthy delicious cheap satisfying. The only place you can say those words from a fast food outlet.👌

  • Meanit Web Partners Donegal based

    Meanit Web Partners Donegal based


    Best fast food option in Letterkenny. Healthy, tasty, quick, clean, nutritional, well balanced, from the friendliest people in the food business in Donegal. Great suppliers, best ingredients, incredible value and fast service. Winner of the Best Takeaway in Ulster for three years running and many more awards from Just Eat. Ask them about your Macros and eat Burrito Loco as part of a healthy planned diet, without ever feeling hungry. Made to measure Burritos - where else would you get that service? Try it once and join the Burrito Loco addicts !

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