Camile Thai Stillorgan i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCamile Thai Stillorgan



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8 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Dublin, A94 P4F4, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 200 0099
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Latitude: 53.288477, Longitude: -6.199218

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elena G


    I was used to the Rathmines branch where the food was good. Here we have experienced quite a lot of delays on the delivery and collection plus the food wasn't good, it was overcooked and made feel sick the day after. Very disappointed.

  • Stephen David O' Connor

    Stephen David O' Connor


    Delicious thai food and quick delivery times

  • en

    Larissa Lamb


    First time we ordered from Camile and it was a big disappointment. I never had such a bad pad thai before. Very dry, bad quality tofu and vegetables. Actually, I barely got any bad vegetables on it. There is nothing authentic about this food. Big disappointment, but at least we tried.

  • John Conlon

    John Conlon


    Excellent restaurant quality take out food. Personal favourite is the crispy chilli chicken. But there are plenty of options and even as a health nut you can find tasty food that won't give you the guilts

  • en

    Eugenio Costa


    Quality and taste are top-notch, however that comes at a price - some price! I would suggest: 1) charge less for tofu; 2) €4.50 delivery is out of this world; 3) ee don't need fancy boxes, with art on them and fancy Camile tape - they are expensive and all end up in the bin once the food is served. Also, your delivery drivers wear a white shirt and a bow tie... I guess these costs add up to my bill but are not needed.

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