Canavan Ford i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCanavan Ford



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East Wall Road, 3, Dublin, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 836 4433
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Latitude: 53.3576557, Longitude: -6.2332283

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marc Sweeney


    Concept of customer service not understood. Booked a Ford Motorcraft Service online for a weekend date that was available online. Two days later, received a rejection email with no explanation why, or apology. On prompting, they advised they didn't have any slots available on the weekend. Should keep their online system up to date, and if there is a fault at least apologise and use some initiative. Needless to say, I went elsewhere.

  • Brian Garrigan

    Brian Garrigan


    Joe has to be the nicest sales guy around Honest and speaks in Plain English

  • B Callaghan

    B Callaghan


    Excellent dealer service. Service staff are great. Sales staff a bit grumpy.. maybe a bad day ?? Recommend

  • en

    Joseph Ferguson


    first class service in sales & service

  • Fiachra Matthews

    Fiachra Matthews


    I've had a number of issues here. Asked them to swap tyres from the spare to another wheel. Recently checked and my spare was never put back in my car. I assume it was a mistake that it was left out but because it took 5 months for me to notice I had no spare it's not reasonable for me to be 100% sure it happened there. They had no interest in helping me though. Just,"We don't have it here anyway". I recently discovered a leak with my car. They quoted me E90 just to look at it. Something broke behind temperature control dial on my car (Mondeo MK4). Seem like something plastic and not too serious. They told me it would take 4 hours to dismantle the dashboard and 4 hours for reassembly at E90 an hour for labour and didn't include what the parts might cost to fix. I managed to open the dash myself with some simple tools and a youtube video in 10 minutes.Saved myself at least E720 euro. I recommend you go anywhere else for your car maintenance.

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