Carton House Hotel i Maynooth

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IrlandCarton House Hotel


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Carton Demesne, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 505 2000
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Latitude: 53.3907446, Longitude: -6.5667557

kommentar 5

  • Frances Duffy

    Frances Duffy


    Beautiful setting with expansive grounds and easy walking trails. Old house is fabulous with well preserved decor of the era. Modern hotel rooms are clean and comfortable but fairly standard. Linden Tree Restaurant was woeful; basic menu - definitely ' no hats' cooking. Eat in Maynooth, don't waste your money.

  • en

    Gelo Petsvona


    This is an amazing place. Come and see it for yourself. So much history... Great rooms, great service. Really nice people working here. The food is a little blend. I think the chefs need to learn how to cook bacon and croutons. 😀

  • Eduardo Andreotti

    Eduardo Andreotti


    This place is absolutely fantastic. The view outside is gorgeous everywhere you look. The event rooms in the the older side are extremely beautiful with gorgeous details and decoration. The room was great, the food was delicious, the staff was extremely helpful and friendly. I highly recommend for company events and weddings or simply a short visit with your partner or family.

  • Michelle Williams

    Michelle Williams


    Carton House is nothing short of fantastic. The main house and the bedrooms are simply stunning and luxurious. The main house is steep in history. The grounds are beautiful and well maintained. Only one thing I would say is if you want to eat in the main restaurant book well in advance of your stay. We were unable to eat in the main restaurant as it was fully booked and the other bar stops serving food at 9pm, however they were most accommodating and served us dinner after 9. I would recommend a two night stay at least, one day is not to experience everything. Highly recommended Carton House and can't wait to go back.

  • Cormac Murphy

    Cormac Murphy


    Waiting staff are all very pleasant..wraps are beautiful and great coffee....very interesting to get warm carrot cake which was gorgeous.. very expensive but worth it. The grounds are amazing. Love coming here for a treat..and it's only 30 minutes from Dublin city centre..

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