Castletroy Park Hotel and Suites i Limerick

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IrlandCastletroy Park Hotel and Suites



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Dublin Road, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 335 566
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Latitude: 52.6667813, Longitude: -8.5768931

kommentar 5

  • Megan Flynn

    Megan Flynn


    We stayed in one of their terrace suites for 2 nights and I have to say the accommodation was exceptional! One of the biggest rooms we have stayed in to date, really modern room with everything you needed. One lovely touch from the hotel was the plate of sweet treats they had for us on arrival, I had just mentioned on booking how it was our anniversary and this was a professional touch that didn’t go unnoticed! Only criticism was the terrace area had a good few weeds in it, not a major thing but on first glance can let the lovely room down a tad. Great stay in a great hotel!!

  • Jason Thomas

    Jason Thomas


    Absolutely beautiful pace in Limerick. We only stayed for one night, before catching a early flight out, but the hotel is gorgeous, the staff was very friendly and professional. Really was above our expectations.

  • Robert Freeman

    Robert Freeman


    We had our wedding in the Castletroy Park on Friday, 31st May and from start to finish we could not have been more impressed by the quality of service, the attention to detail, and the friendliness of the staff. We were blown away by the first class reception we received on arrival, a welcome that was not lost on our guests who thoroughly enjoyed all the little extras including the carved ham and cocktail stations! The food, the atmosphere, and the hospitality we received in the Castletroy Park really made our day. In particular, we would like to give a special mention to Darren and Nicola who went above and beyond to make sure we had everything we needed for our wedding day. Overall, we had an absolutely fantastic day, with some very special memories ❤️. We would highly recommend the Castletroy Park and will certainly return when we decide to renew our vows 😁

  • Ronan Lyons

    Ronan Lyons


    Food and service was excellent! We were served by young chap(Peter is his name) A very friendly and unbelievably helpful!! Food went down a treat too.Very pleased.

  • Dawn Johnson

    Dawn Johnson


    We had our wedding in the hotel on the 05/04/19 from start to finish it was amazing. Nicola and Darren and all the staff went above and beyond for us. The food was beautiful and the service our guest got was amazing. I can not recommend the hotel and staff anymore. We will be returning again for more family events in the future there's no doubt in that.

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