Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul i Trim

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IrlandCathedral of St. Peter and Paul


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Saintjohns, Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.5556526, Longitude: -6.7724949

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tommy Price


    This place is so cool. The ruined cathedral is amazing. Maybe it was the lighting or time of day but this place is enchanting.

  • Positive Ageing

    Positive Ageing


    If you visit Trim your more than likely to visit Trim Castle, St Mary's Abbey, The Sheep's Gate and next along your walk parallel with the Boyne river you will discover "The Cathedral Of St Peter and Paul". All of the Trim monuments have a wonderful history behind them, my review does not cover that because you can do that while you walk through the ruins itself. If you are like me, then the history of the monuments is less interesting than the workmanship, the fact these buildings survived so long without using modern building techniques and off course the photo opportunities they provide. Its a large building and its well preserved, well worth a walk around and if you came this far you may as well get all five monuments by continuing on and viewing The Priory of John The Baptist, which is a quarter mile further on. That way you will have taking in all five visitor attractions and your bound to have collected some fine photos for your personal collection or even your wall, and you should have at least one cracker that made your journey all worth while. Enjoy

  • Susana Garcia

    Susana Garcia


    Precioso sitio. Ruinas que todavía dejan espacio a la imaginación. Fácil de reconstruir en la mente. Merece la pena el paseo y la visita.

  • Dave Mac

    Dave Mac


    Nice riverside walk from Trim castle to the ruins of the Cathedral and graveyard. The path has plenty of little stops along the way.

  • Dan Haug

    Dan Haug


    It's a great little walk along the River Boyne from Trim Castle to this little ruin. Wonderful on a sunny afternoon,.

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