Chaplins Bar i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandChaplins Bar



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1-2, Hawkins Street, D02 K590, Dublin 2, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 5225
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Latitude: 53.3461105, Longitude: -6.2571486

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrej Tomić


    The place is just fine, they have all the old memorabilia on the walls and authentic look old pubs should have. They have a fair selection of beers and they also serve food, (pizza is fine). One other thing worth mentioning is that they offer Tuborg as student discount beer and also have loads of other student connected offers.

  • en

    Eugene D'Arcy


    Great place. Good Guinness fast and efficient. Very handy spot for taxis

  • Debby Harris

    Debby Harris


    We went to the Friday night comedy show upstairs and enjoyed the show. Then, we hung out at the bar afterwards. It was nice to avoid the crowds of Temple Bar and not get the tourist prices for drinks :).

  • Leila Alcalde

    Leila Alcalde


    Buscábamos un pub tranquilo y auténtico que no estuvieran a tope de turistas. Con éste acertamos. Muy recomendable para probar cervezas locales.

  • Sol Accinelli

    Sol Accinelli


    Es muy auténtico, con decoración tradicional y gente local. No tenían pizza vegetariana :( Vi un show de stand up genial con comediantes muy buenos (tienen una noche de comedia los viernes), incluyendo a Brian Gallagher (en la foto)

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