Chopped i Dublin 16

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dundrum, Dublin 16, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 184 5341
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Latitude: 53.2868529, Longitude: -6.2426211

kommentar 4

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    Ein Google-Nutzer


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    Ein Google-Nutzer


    Fantastic menu with a great range of healthy choices . Lovely staff always very helpful and friendly.

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    Ein Google-Nutzer


    I called to your place in Dundrum a few weeks back with my mom. I queued for 15minutes, in which I was happy to queue because I was happy to try it out especially with the hype about it. I spotted one of your employees emptying the bag of chopped lettuce, which is chopped already- into one of the containers, she had gloves on.. then she proceeded to fill a wrap with the same gloves and then she handled money with the same gloves, I was disgusted watching this and she continued on filling another salad box with the same gloves..........where is the hygiene???? we walked away with another customer and never got to try your salad. I do think you should be properly train your staff on hygiene and also all lettuce or salad should be washed coming out of a bag!!!!!!!!!!

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    Ein Google-Nutzer


    Fantastic choice, great opening with free salads etc. Staff are super fast but feels like a factory - not that friendly and they were out of napkins (?) and had to borrow from other restaurants.

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