Cill Aodain Court Hotel i Kiltimagh

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IrlandCill Aodain Court Hotel



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Main Street, Kiltimagh, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 94 938 1761
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.850616, Longitude: -8.997915

kommentar 5

  • en

    ballyhaunis girl


    fantastic food and staff absolutely wonderful

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    Ashling Moran


    Had a beautiful meal here over the Christmas period. Good options on offer as well as great price to quality ratio. The starters were delicious and I would highly recommend salmon or lamb for mains. Both having very generous portions and great flavour. Service was good, especially our waitress who was great. A very good bet for food in the area.

  • Pauline Murray

    Pauline Murray


    Another great stay at the Cill Aodain made all the better by the fantastic Mary. Such an asset to this hotel, they are very lucky to have her. We always get such a warm welcome from her when we arrive. Hotel was looking beautiful, all decorated for Christmas

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    April Duckman


    The hotel is in amazing condition and so well looked after. You have to eat there as this is easily the best food in town and far superior to any other local hotels. The staff are so personable and ready to help and the rooms are comfortable and a great size. Even if it's just for a drink, you have to stop by.

  • en

    Joan Lenehan


    We had a lovely stay in this modern, well equipped, cosy hotel. The hosts and restaurant staff were very helpful and charming as was Mary in the breakfast bistro. The evening meals and breakfast were delicious. I left clothing behind and have received them all back in the post. Thanks Jacqui and Josephine. We would definitely recommend this little gem.

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