City Vets ( Ireland ) i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCity Vets ( Ireland )



🕗 åbningstider

Matties Hill, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 371 155
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.250866, Longitude: -7.126596

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Harney

    Michelle Harney


    We've taken all our pets to City Vets for the past 10 years. We feel they are very pet - centred, friendly and accommodating.

  • en

    Philip O'Keeffe


    Great staff helpful with all aspects of our needs regarding our animals

  • en

    Ķrissteen Sherlock


    Extremely helpful vets.They have treated a stray cat which was sick and accepted only a donation for their work as I am a pensioner on a limited income and this was not my cat.They are very professional and very understanding and I would recommend them to anybody who has a sick animal.Well done to all of you and thankyou.

  • Harry Amelia Martin

    Harry Amelia Martin


    thankyou so much to Barbara and the team for looking after my furry family. Wouldn't go anywhere else!

  • Chris Cronin

    Chris Cronin


    We have only been using city vets a short while but our 16 year old dog who currently is very unwell needed to stay over night in their care while on a drip. We enquired how he would be cared for over night and was told he would be cared for throughout the night and taken out to go to the toilet as he was in a cage to limit his movement while on a drip for dehydration. We rang in the morning and said we would collect him at 12.30. When we collected him the nurse who was meant to be caring for him brought him out to us and - and he was sticky and stinking of urine and even his collar was damp and head was smelly it was disgusting and when we asked why he was in this state the nurse said "well he has been in the cage 12 hours" and she smirked about it asking us did we have an issue!! Seriously we were speechless and so appalled at the distressed state of our dog. This was them caring for him. We have to say we up until this point have had no issue with either of the vets who have treated our dog. But we have a serious issue with that nurse. We later spoke to the vet who apologised for the state our dog was in and for the neglect of that nurses care who she said she would be having strong words with. Some people are clearly not cut out for this type of work and she is one of them. To me she should be kept away from all animals clearly she doesnt have empathy, that said her managers have failed also by not keeping a closer eye on animals in her charge. Please beware!! The vets are good and we were very happy with the vet called cora but the aftercare in this vets needs better management. Im wondering by her attitude how that nurse even got the job - 😯i would give 3 stars to the vet and minus 10 to the nurse who dealt with us. Edited since response as this matter is now a formal complaint being dealt with by the practice manager. However i would still state our complaint about our dogs state has been apologised for by vet cora and by practice manager but not by the nurse.

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