Clayton Whites Hotel i Wexford

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IrlandClayton Whites Hotel



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Abbey Street, Wexford, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 912 2311
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Latitude: 52.3401335, Longitude: -6.4640318

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Cullen


    Very nice hotel in the centre of town. Nice and clean, room was nice with a great shower. Breakfast buffet wasn't fantastic

  • Fawn Hanley

    Fawn Hanley


    I only dropped in with a friend for a bowl of their amazing chowder, but I will definitely be going back for more! it was absolutely top of the range and the brown bread was so fresh and still warm that it nearly fell apart... in a good way...! loved it and can't wait to have it again!

  • Ashley Neville

    Ashley Neville


    Stayed here for two night's and would highly recommend this hotel. The rooms were light, airy and warm. The staff were extremely helpful. Close to the main shopping area of Wexford. Hotel restaurant and bar food are excellent.

  • en

    mark brennan


    Staff are incredibly friendly and helpful. They could not do enough for us. Even facilitated changing rooms on arrival day so we can get a view of the sea. Very welcoming hotel for kids too. Separate kiddies pool is great

  • en

    Helen Pierce


    Room standard, bed quality, bathroom and room facilities etc excellent. Lift very efficient and fast - never had to wait. Breakfast excellent - loved the fried potatoes. Evening menu good, could be more variety - vegetable and Potatoes (when served as a side dish) could be improved in quality and presentation. Dinner service a bit disjointed - had to wait for a while to be served and then served by a number of different service staff at the same time - sometimes hard to get their attention. In general good but there is room for improvement leading towards a better more efficient standard of service. Found all staff very helpful and friendly. At times when its busy it would be helpful to have more than one Receptionist on duty - leading to less of a queue. The overall experience of our stay in Clayton Whites Hotel is that the Hotel is operating to a very High Standard. The above comments are singled out with the intention of being helpful in identifying some areas that could be improved leading towards an overall excellent standard of hospitality. Thanks to Mr O'Brien and his team our stay in Clayton Whites Hotel was excellent and we look forward to returning at some time in the future.

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