Compudoc i Arklow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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🕗 åbningstider

17, Main Street, Arklow, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 402 41391
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.798189, Longitude: -6.155214

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eilish Gillespie


  • en

    Debbie Gannon


  • Bruce Shiel

    Bruce Shiel


    Very helpful, fixing the unfixable, relatively inexpensive for the service they provide

  • Tom Tallon

    Tom Tallon


    Great advice,fast repairs.

  • en

    Arthur Tchaikovsky


    Kids with poor experience are running this place. I went there with my monitor (Samsung) to ask how much would it cost to fix this. The guy there answered that they do not fix monitors because nobody makes **ANY** spare parts for them. He connected this monitor and said that power cable isn't working and informed me that neither he nor anybody else really can do anything with this, as there is simply no spare parts made by anyone. So basically this monitor is good for nothing and there is no way I can have it working. This monitor is worth 250 euro by the way. I, after listening to him and his explanation, and assuming that he knows what he is talking about, trusted him as he is supposed to be the person with expertise in this area and decided to purchase new monitor from his shop as I need computer for my work and not having working monitor is not an option. After coming back home, connecting this new monitor, I went on the internet to see if he was right. And what? Bull... You can get that power cable for my Samsung monitor through the ebay (and others) for around 10 euro. So basically that guy didn't know what he is talking about and was wrong.

nærmeste Elektronik butik

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