Connolly Rail Station i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandConnolly Rail Station



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1, Amiens Street, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 836 6222
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3513797, Longitude: -6.2495392

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Mudehwe

    Stephen Mudehwe


    In comparison to Heuston not that great however, staff is close at hand to interact with and floor-space is kept generally clean. There's a lack of storage lockers which is a pity seeing to it they have unused space in the form of a closed down cafe that they can convert into a storage unit and make a few bob.

  • 0Lilly zone

    0Lilly zone


    Easily accessible amenities and always someone to help you in anyway you help getting someplace.

  • Vao Tsun

    Vao Tsun


    Awful one. Really hard to find the entrance (if you not a Dubliner). Consider coming with much time in advance - it is big and there are no signs where you should go for which train. People smoke right on the platform. Crowdy. For some reason popular with asocial youth.

  • Alexander Lapin

    Alexander Lapin


    Весьма цивилизованный железнодорожный вокзал. Именно отсюда лучше всего ездить на полуостров Хоут, чтобы полюбоваться тамошними красотами. Поезда ходят часто, поэтому особо ждать не приходится - минут 20 от силы. Ну разве это время?

  • Jimmy Loughran

    Jimmy Loughran


    Traveled with my older Sister Ursula, from Connolly Street station to Belfast Central, to meet our Brother. The Staff , first of all in the Information Booth were so very helpful and courteous. He went out of his way to help us. The next Guy we met as we went wait for the train , kindly took a Photo of us . Thank you Guys for making our day even better.

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