Cork Academy Of Hairdressing i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCork Academy Of Hairdressing


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108, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 427 1403
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Latitude: 51.8979993, Longitude: -8.4707188

kommentar 5

  • Doroteea Ispas

    Doroteea Ispas


    Having curly hair, I always had trouble finding someone who knows to cut it properly...I said why not to give it a try here as they have decent prices, affordable for a student...and I am very happy with it, I got a very good cut, the staff was also friendly and open to suggestions so I definitely recommend this place!

  • en

    John O'Shea


    Very warm and friendly atmosphere, and great humour and craic exactly what I'd expect in Cork. I am delighted, and will keep coming back.

  • en

    viki25 s


  • Jenny ThePinkLady

    Jenny ThePinkLady


    Such friendly hairdressers here! Great prices too! Thank you!

  • James Ring

    James Ring


    My wife went here and was treated horrendously. First they quoted her one price and when she went to pay it was more expensive with no explanation. Then they coloured her hair but when they finished there was no difference. They offered to re-do her hair again for free the following week to rectify it. When she arrived for the appointment they told her that there was no booking and if she wanted to get her hair done she would have to pay!! They denied all knowledge of the previous episode and simply said it was her fault as she picked the colour. The salon is run down and the customer service is non existent. Do yourself a favour and avoid this place.

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