Cork Airport i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCork Airport


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Kinsale Rd, Cork, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 431 3131
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8490591, Longitude: -8.4898845

kommentar 5

  • Bridget Bengtson

    Bridget Bengtson


    I have hired several times from Sixt, Cork Airport and have always had quick, efficient and friendly service. The cars have always been top notch also. Highly recommended.

  • Oski Nathon

    Oski Nathon


    I enjoy flying in and out of Cork airport. It s a small enough airport that you can get in and out of quickly. It s Big enough to get you to various destinations around Europe. A few of the draw backs revolve around the transportation. At nite, the buses run at weird hours. So, you often have to take a taxi. The boarder control guard are awesome. The staff are amazingly friendly and helpful. The airport is especially clean. There are not a lot of restaurants or places to go shopping in the airport.

  • pl



    Przeciętne lotnisko. Dostosowane do miejscowych potrzeb. W galerii sporo sklepów, jednak ceny bardzo wysokie. Obsługa miła.

  • en

    Philip O'Carroll


    Small yet comfortable airport. I would rate higher except for the fact that they charge for use of the jetways with the result that the airlines almost always force you to use the stairs. This is unpleasant enough in bad weather but for people that have mobility issues, it is disastrous and even humiliating.

  • Diarmuid Barry

    Diarmuid Barry


    Nice small airport. The new terminal opened a few years ago and looks really good. Always very short queues going through security and friendly staff. Ok selection of cafes and restaurants when you are past security.

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