Crone Woods Carpark i County Wicklow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCrone Woods Carpark



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Wicklow Way, County Wicklow, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.1652124, Longitude: -6.2169528

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephen Brady


    Nice hill walks. Good for all the family

  • en

    Marcin Walczuk


    This is a fantastic place with stunning views. When you get to the view point of Powerscourt waterfall it is breathtaking. I highly recommend this for a Sunday walk. There are few paths you can take some are more challenging than others but all are manageable. I did the longer one with my 7 year old son and he managed just fine. You would need around 3-4 hours to do the longer one if with a kid (depending on your fitness level, weather and other factors). You do not need a lot of special gear as most of the path is hardened. Good hiking shoes are good idea however it's possible to walk whole route in good trainers.

  • Prem Bulex

    Prem Bulex


    Not enough parking space to fit cars before 10am 😐

  • Shane O' Malley

    Shane O' Malley


    It's a car park. What can I say. It slopes, it is gravel and it is basic. It's where you put your car.

  • Gerard Egan

    Gerard Egan


    Leads to a really good Hill walk that can take a few hours of your day.. Breathtaking scenery of the wicklow hills...

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