Crown Bar Wexford i Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCrown Bar Wexford



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Monck Street, Wexford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 53 912 1480
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Latitude: 52.341711, Longitude: -6.463308

kommentar 5

  • en

    ciara conlon


    Have to say ive been drinking in this bar since it had mismatch furniture, an open fire and barrels for tables. Since it has been revamped it has only gotten better, with its open areas for large groups or little nooks for intimate conversation. There is an open area on the back to make you feel like youre outside but without the cold of actually being outside. Its has a great atmosphere any night of the week

  • en

    David Hession


    Great pub renovated into a much larger space than had previously been there. Good atmosphere and a great place to watch sport

  • Oráiste Naranja

    Oráiste Naranja


    Nice old-style traditional Irish bar with a good atmosphere. Fair prices, near town centre, decent crowd. Could do with some live Irish music though.

  • david goddard

    david goddard


    A must visit if on a night out in Wexford. Fabulous decor and lovely atmosphere. Also a great venue for watching televised matches. The menu looks really nice and the food is very appetizing. The service is excellent too plus they have an extensive drinks and cocktail menu. Currently the trendiest bar in Wexford and by the investment of the owners will be a the Crown jewel of Wexford for many years to come.

  • Rafal Dynak

    Rafal Dynak


    Super miejscówka do spotkania się ze znajomymi napić się piwa i nie tylko. Wstęp od 21 lat duży plus tego miejsca. Profesjonalna obsługa i ochrona polecam😉

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