Crowne Plaza Dundalk i Dundalk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCrowne Plaza Dundalk


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Inner Relief Road, Dundalk, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 42 939 4900
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.9804006, Longitude: -6.3884933

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jennifer W.


    Got transported here from the airport because my flight was cancelled due to Storm Emma. Each and every one of the staff is friendly, accommodating, and professional. The rooms are very nice and comfy. I truly enjoyed my stay here. Would recommend it to anyone who is planning to visit Dundalk!

  • Christopher McEvoy

    Christopher McEvoy


    This is the second time I've stayed here and it's been amazing. Lovely rooms. I had the suite this time which to my joy had a bath and a massive shower. Rooms are always lovely and clean. Breakfast is great and is a buffet style although you'll have to wait if you want a fried egg. Roof top restaurant is great. Everyone is so friendly and always happy to help. Has a large free car park which is another plus. Will definitely stay again.

  • James Lawson-Smith

    James Lawson-Smith


    I have been here a couple of times now and have always been pleasantly surprised at how effective the staff run this establishment. The hotel and all of its facilities are kept clean and presentable at all times. The staff are some of the friendliest and most helpful I have come across. I would most definitely recommend this venues to all of my friends and family for any event they may have.

  • Mike Mc Mahon

    Mike Mc Mahon


    I only visited the bar and the roof top restaurant. Both were excellent, but the Roof Top restaurant was exceptional! Some of the best food I have had anywhere. The selection of food available was excellent, and the service matched the quality of the food. I have no hesitation going back, or indeed recommending it.

  • Jim Magill

    Jim Magill


    Good location as it's just a few minutes off the motorway. Free parking and some nice amenities make it a step above the rest. Staff were very friendly and attentive and the food and drinks were on par with what I expected at this price. Overall would recommend and will definitely go back if I'm in the area

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