Cullenagh Stables i Kilmeaden

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCullenagh Stables



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Cullenagh, Newtown, Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford, X91 WF68, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 83 877 0992
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.243228, Longitude: -7.266174

kommentar 5

  • Sharon Frye

    Sharon Frye


    The owners of Cullenagh Stables are a passionate and caring team. I've had the great opportunity to watch them provide visitors with authentic concern and hospitality. The stunning location and grounds are in top-notch condition, contributing to a wonderful experience but the staff make the utmost difference.

  • en

    Donna Sisler


    I recently visited Cullenagh Stables and I can tell you that the owners are not only qualified to provide social farming and therapeutic riding, they also dedicated and caring. The location is beautiful and peaceful. It’s the package deal. I encourage you to pay them a visit. You won’t be disappointed.

  • en

    katalin juhasz


    A beautiful place with really nice people.

  • Jenny Kirk

    Jenny Kirk


    From working in Disability Services for over 25 years and currently in a Theraputic role - I can honestly say , a visit to Cullenagh Stables and its beautiful surroundings and passionate staff will benefit on many theraputic levels .

  • en

    Tanya Power


    My daughter and I have frequently been to Cullinagh Stables. And each time has been a delight. The facilities are excellent and you can always be sure of a warm welcome. We've been along the track, the scenery is beautiful. So much nature and fresh air, yet so close to the city. A real gem!

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