Currys PC World i Tralee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCurrys PC World



🕗 åbningstider

Unit 6, Manor West Retail Park, Manor West, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 XY54, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 878 1640
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.261535, Longitude: -9.678254

kommentar 5

  • Mandy Hodges

    Mandy Hodges


    Great friendly staff, customer care and support when you can find someone to help you. Often I have gone in and cannot find anyone available and you waste so much time inside there then. This day in age, people don't have the luxury to be waiting. When you do find someone to help you the service is usually outstanding.

  • en

    glen murphy


    I’ve been coming here for years & must say the lads here are fantastic. Whether I’m buying an ink cartridge or a fridge the level of service I receive is like no other store around. I recently bought a laptop of a young lad, I think alex was his name & he was very knowledgeable and patient.

  • en

    Jack O Flaherty


    I really like shopping in this store, the staff are always very helpful, especially Jean, he really knows his stuff about TVs, and he always has smile on his face too. I recently just bought a 55” Samsung off him!!! Will defo be back to buy the Apple Mac he showed me!!!

  • ann quane

    ann quane


    Purchased laptop today from a lovely gentleman Qudus .He has a fast knowledge on same and would recommend him to everybody. Will go back again.

  • José Vázquez Gómez

    José Vázquez Gómez


    No hay mucha variedad de productos. Eso si la atencion por parte del personal es muy buena. A mi parecer es un poco cara en comparacion con otras tiendas

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