David Burke Clinic - Alternative Medicine, Hypnotherapy & Sports Psychology i Newtown

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IrlandDavid Burke Clinic - Alternative Medicine, Hypnotherapy & Sports Psychology



🕗 åbningstider

Newtown, Waterford, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 850 028
internet side: www.davidburkeclinic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.253996, Longitude: -7.101329

kommentar 4

  • en

    Emma Barron


    Fantastic experience and if you follow the advice you can achieve amazing results! Delighted to have been

  • en

    Eddy ryan


    Load of rubbish went for weight loss advice told me the obvious and charged me 200 euro a complete joker

  • en

    bernie cullinane


    Brilliant therapy..... Thanks so much. Recommended to friends and family

  • maura connolly

    maura connolly


    I have had great results from David and so has my friends who attended David's clinic one of my friends couldn't get his ulcer cured in the three hospitals he was attending one visit to David and he was cured. I have given David's number to other friends who are in the process of getting an appointment. We need more people like David. Thank you David for looking after my needs Maura

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