Derryglad Folk and Heritage Museum i Athlone

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IrlandDerryglad Folk and Heritage Museum



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Derryglad, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 90 648 8192
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Latitude: 53.466437, Longitude: -8.080047

kommentar 5

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    John Coleraine


    Brilliant. Your taken back to the good old days , lots to see .

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    Hannah Murtagh


    Fabulous visit will go back again so much to see. Charlie is a mine of information.

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    Candace Pirie


    This was a highlight in or visit to Ireland! So clean and organized. Charlie was so friendly and informative. This is a must see.

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    Helen Whitelaw


    What a lovely place to visit!! Don't be put off when you arrive as the museum is at the back of the owners house. There is such and abundance of history and memorabilia that you can spend an hour at least looking at everything. The owner is genuinely happy to meet you and give you a tour. Go here you will enjoy it!!

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    josepha clarke


    Absolutely fascinating glimpse into the past. A veritable treasure trove of miscellany. Delighted we went. A lovely guided tour from the proprietor. Will be spreading the word about this museum when we get home

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