Dolphins Barn Fire Station i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDolphins Barn Fire Station


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Parnell Road, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.3314397, Longitude: -6.2924763

kommentar 2

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    Gemma Rankin


  • Lindsey Best

    Lindsey Best


    I would just like to say a big big thanks to the fire fighter's who took the time this morning with my two kid's Keelin and Tristan to show them how things worked and to let them into a fire engine. My ma brought my two kid's to the fire station and the staff were so obliging and took time with my two kid's. This is the second time the staff took time out of there busy day to fulfill a dream for my two kid's. My son Tristan is obsessed with fire engines and anything medical as he has spent alot of time in our ladys hospital crumlin as he has haf 3 major open heart surgeries since birth. I would like to thank all the fire fighter's involved on both days from the bottom of my heart. They are true super hero's and made a dream come thru for my two happy kid's.

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