Domino's Pizza - Dublin - Glenageary i Dun Laoghaire

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IrlandDomino's Pizza - Dublin - Glenageary



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Unit 8 Glenageary Shopping Centre, Upper Glenageary Road, Glenageary, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 236 3333
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2793297, Longitude: -6.1351752

kommentar 5

  • en

    N J


    Had an issue with my order so spoke to Brian the manager at this location and I have to say one of the nicest people in customer service I’ve ever dealt with. Polite, professional and sorted out my issue in a timely manner. Thanks again.

  • Noemi Horvath

    Noemi Horvath


    I’m a big fun of Domino’s Pizza but unfortunately i haven’t got so much good to say about the drivers in this particular shop. Most of the time they called me when they arrived and waited for me to walk to their car and get the delivery of them. They were rude and just wanted to leave asap without doing their job properly. So: pizza 5* , delivery 1*

  • Trucker Darr

    Trucker Darr


    I would be a big fan of pizza Dominos in particular i was working late last Friday and decided on a pizza on my way home thw girl on the counter had to be told 4 times what i wanted on the Pizza !!! And when i get home open the Box Toatly wrong toppings on it Never again will i venture in to Dominos Glenageary

  • Jonathan Wallace

    Jonathan Wallace


    Heaven at your doorstep. Never had one issues. Gorgeous, hot pizzas. Nice delivery drivers. Easy online usage. Awesome.

  • en

    Jessica Donnelly


    Disgusting and sick of it... Driver forgets my cookies tonight them I open up my garlic big dip and it was curdled so bad the oil and curd was desperate, still waiting on the manager to ring back... Rotten

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