DPD Ireland North East Dublin Depot x8 i Dublin 9

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDPD Ireland North East Dublin Depot x8



🕗 åbningstider

17, Santry Avenue, D09 K729, Dublin 9, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 842 7884
internet side: www.dpd.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.405445, Longitude: -6.235034

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Horan

    Thomas Horan


    Don't book anything though north city,they just send stuff back to the UK Evan when you say you will pick it up

  • en

    John Healy


    Shocking customer service! Parcel not delivered 2 different times over 2 days, so told to pick up from depot. Went round to depot, parcel was sent out for delivery a 3rd time so a wasted journey. Avoid if at all possible !

  • Joshua Nicoll

    Joshua Nicoll


    I have never had an issue with any rack mount server I have had delivered by DPD. I have had a few delivered by other shipping companies that where damaged, and not well looked after. Given these things are between 15KG-60+KG, it was obvious the boxes were not dropped off trucks, pushed along the ground or otherwise badly handled, but the boxes where pristine being send so it'd be obvious if they got damaged. I doubt many people send or receive packages in the 20+KG range so my experience is somewhat niche.

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    strelok942 victor


    What a scum! What a mockery! DPD made a fake phone call with no talking and after that marked my order as not delivered due to NO ANSWER! When I contacted DPD they told me to collect it from Santry! My order was going from Crumlin so I demanded to bring it back into a store in Crumling along with money which I paid for delivery because it is closer for me to collect it from the shop then Santry and no hassle with DPD.

  • Monica Gannon

    Monica Gannon


    I got a text message at 17.30 that there was nobody at home and therefore they were not able to deliver my parcel. That is an absolute lie because I was all home all day. I am absolutely disgusted that a shipping company would not deliver and attempt to blame the customer.

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