Drogheda Bus Station i Drogheda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDrogheda Bus Station


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Donore Road, Drogheda, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.7123219, Longitude: -6.3530171

kommentar 5

  • karen keeley

    karen keeley


    I just want to know what happened to the 5 o clock bus from drogheda to dublin. I was waiting to get the bus to work from balbriggan as i was in at 6 and it never showed up. Is this to be expected very morning this week and im in at 6 all week and need to know if i need to make other arrangements. This is the second monday in a row and the 3rd day were i have been late for work because of your company. Can you let me know what is happening.

  • en

    Dee Connor


    Was just wondering y the 100x to dublin airport did not stop at the bus stop on donore rd the new bus stop 2 days in a row it passed nd would not stop now the bus stopped on mon for my son he was on his way into work i have tried calling the bus depot in drogheda but they never answer there phone how whats the point of having a phone if there not going to answer it now my son is going to be late for work again

  • miguel rodriguez

    miguel rodriguez


    Awesome mornig at Drogheda

  • Robert Slezak

    Robert Slezak


    Buses are never on time, there are no benches to sit on, the building is in an awful state and there is rubbish scattered. Not a great place to spend longer time at all.

  • Scott Brady

    Scott Brady


    The buses are late, and the bus station is grim, dark and depressing.

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