Drogheda Town Centre i Drogheda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDrogheda Town Centre



🕗 åbningstider

West Street, Drogheda, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 41 983 3386
internet side: www.droghedatowncentre.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.7143349, Longitude: -6.3524056

kommentar 5

  • Gábor Siklósi

    Gábor Siklósi


    It's a quite busy place, but not many shops in it. Parking it's easy there and always have a space there. Looking forward to seeing come back for movie

  • Stephanie Ojo

    Stephanie Ojo


    Good selection of shops with a great and clean cinema 🎦 open till reasonably late enough 👌🏽

  • Darryl Coen

    Darryl Coen


    A nice small older snapping mall with a good cinema. The staff are friendly and it opens onto the Main West Street in Drogheda and also goes through to the quays. Friendly staff with a beautiful brass band this Christmas Eve

  • Robert Tracey

    Robert Tracey


    Had some business in drogheda parked here and walked through. Nice place feels quite open. Lots of parking. I'm sure having a cinema is a plus but I haven't been to it yet. Not a huge fan of insomnia so I got a coffee in cafe Nero accross the street. The new facade on the outside is good now that the scaffolding is down too.

  • Christoph Hering

    Christoph Hering


    Touristisch gibt es hier nicht wirklich etwas zu sehen.

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